
Spokane, WA 99217

Adult Family Home

Contact care provider

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Call: 1(855)279-2432

5 available beds

  • an Any Gender bed in Shared room with Semi-private bath: 2 people share

  • a Female bed in Shared female

  • an Any Gender bed in Private single room with Private bath in room (not shared)

  • an Any Gender bed in Semi-private room with Shared bathroom in hallway

  • a Male bed in Shared male with Shared bathroom in hallway

Price range

Choose care level

Supervised but can accomplish most ADL's for him/herself


$2000 / month


$4000 / month


  • Laundry

  • Assistance with Daily Living (ADLs)

  • Medication Management

  • Wound Care

  • Transportation

  • Special Diets

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Housekeeping

  • Physical/Occupational Therapy

  • Speech Therapy (Visits on Site)

  • Pharmacy/Medications Delivery

  • MD Care (Visits on Site)

  • Hair Services on Site

  • Manicure Services

  • Cooking Therapy

  • Total Care for Quadriplegic

  • Assistance with health and wellness appointments

  • Bathing Assistance

  • Fall Prevention Program

  • Aromatherapy

  • Music Entertainment Service

  • Blood Glucose Monitoring

  • Activity Program

  • Eye Dr Visits

  • Music Therapy

  • Church Visits

  • Setting up Transportation

  • Tube Feeding

  • ECS and/or ETR

  • Bingo and other games

  • Computer charting with family DPOA access

  • Therapy in house

  • Home Health

  • Home Health, Palliative, Hospice

  • Staff and volunteers transport and accompany residents to social/recreational activities in community.

  • End of Life Care. Last weeks of life care.

  • Orthopedic and joint replacement care

  • Computer Charting (Synkwise)

  • Electronic Medical Records

  • Pysch management

  • Van/Bus/Vehicle for outings

  • Pharmacy Team to oversee patient medications in the home.

  • Diabetic Educator for diabetic patients

  • Outpatient physical/occupational therapy

  • Therapy services via home health care

  • Virbrant Life Coordinator onsite


  • Holiday Celebrations

  • Birthday Parties

  • Exercise Classes

  • Movie Night

  • Bingo

  • Board and Card Games

  • Craft Classes

  • Cooking Activities

  • Travel Excursions (Shopping, Restaurants, Parks)

  • Barbecues/Picnics

  • Musical Programs

  • Painting Class

  • Spa Day

  • Gardening

  • Story Time

  • Aroma Therapy

  • Walks in the garden

  • Reading Activities

  • In Home Library

  • Tea Time

  • Puzzles

  • Dancing & Singing

  • Walks around the lake

  • Painting

  • Other - per resident's choice/suggestion

  • Coloring

  • Bowling

  • Activities depend on population needs

  • Home Health Visits from nursing, MSW, Therapist, Dietitian

  • Range of motion exercise

  • Bible Study


  • Gardens

  • View (Water, Mountains, etc.)

  • Library

  • Wheelchair/Walker Accessible

  • Private Setting

  • Activity Room

  • Cable/Dish/Satellite Television

  • Private Telephones

  • Near Hospital

  • Air Conditioning

  • Generator

  • Internet Access

  • Emergency Call System/Button

  • Live in Provider

  • Complimentary Magazines

  • Piano Time

  • Security Alarm System

  • Spanish Television Channels

  • Local Sports Channels

  • (As requested) TV channel

  • Exercise or p/t

  • Private Rooms

  • Xfinity Cable: DVR / On Demand Features & Smart (Voice Controlled) Remotes

  • Patients home
